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How to Write a Proof

How to Write a Proof

In this page, we will see how to write a formal proof in Lapisla.


First, let’s see some basic concepts in Lapisla.

In Lapisla, we write proofs by applying rules to goals.

A goal (or sometimes a subgoal when it is one of some goals) is a sequent that is meant to be proved. A sequent is a pair of a sequence of formulas, written as P1,…,Pn⊒Q1,…,QmP_1, \ldots, P_n \vdash Q_1, \ldots, Q_m. You can think the β€œmeaning” of a sequent as β€œif all of P1,…,PnP_1, \ldots, P_n are true, then at least one of Q1,…,QmQ_1, \ldots, Q_m is true.” We sometimes use a greek letter (mostly Ξ“\Gamma or Ξ”\Delta) to represent a sequence of formulas, like Ξ“,A⊒B\Gamma, A \vdash B.

A rule is a step that transforms a sequent into some simpler sequents. Rules are always applied to the first subgoal. For example, the rule AndR transforms Ξ“βŠ’P∧Q,Ξ”\Gamma \vdash P \land Q, \Delta into Ξ“βŠ’P,Ξ”\Gamma \vdash P, \Delta and Ξ“βŠ’Q,Ξ”\Gamma \vdash Q, \Delta. If a sequent is completely broken down into the sequent A⊒AA \vdash A for some AA, we can mark it as done and remove it from subgoals by applying the rule I.

Rules are described in the form

Ξ“1βŠ’Ξ”1β‹―Ξ“nβŠ’Ξ”nΞ“βŠ’Ξ”(RuleName)\frac{\Gamma_1 \vdash \Delta_1 \quad \cdots \quad \Gamma_n \vdash \Delta_n}{\Gamma \vdash \Delta} \text{(\textit{RuleName})}

which means that from Ξ“1βŠ’Ξ”1,…,Ξ“nβŠ’Ξ”n\Gamma_1 \vdash \Delta_1, \ldots, \Gamma_n \vdash \Delta_n, we can derive Ξ“βŠ’Ξ”\Gamma \vdash \Delta (note that nn can be zero). In other words, if we want to derive Ξ“βŠ’Ξ”\Gamma \vdash \Delta, it is sufficient to derive Ξ“1βŠ’Ξ”1,…,Ξ“nβŠ’Ξ”n\Gamma_1 \vdash \Delta_1, \ldots, \Gamma_n \vdash \Delta_n. That is, we can transform the goal Ξ“βŠ’Ξ”\Gamma \vdash \Delta into subgoals Ξ“1βŠ’Ξ”1,…,Ξ“nβŠ’Ξ”n\Gamma_1 \vdash \Delta_1, \ldots, \Gamma_n \vdash \Delta_n.

For all rules, see All Available Rules.

A proof of a formula PP is a sequence of rules that breaks down the initial goal ⊒P\vdash P into trivial sequents. If we erased all of subgoals, we can say that PP is proved and call it a theorem!

A proof of PP can be seen as connecting rules in a tree with root ⊒P\vdash P (see the example below).

Once you proved a theorem, it can be used in other proofs by putting it in the left-hand side of the current goal with free predicate variables substituted. This operation is justified by the fact that we can construct a proof without using another theorem.


Before seeing more explanations, let’s see an example of a proof in Lapisla.

Here is an example from previous page:

Theorem and_comm P ∧ Q β†’ Q ∧ P apply ImpR apply AndR apply AndL2 apply I apply AndL1 apply I qed

We will look at this proof line by line.

At the first line, we declare that we are going to prove the formula P∧Qβ†’Q∧PP \land Q \to Q \land P named and_comm. The goal is ⊒P∧Qβ†’Q∧P\vdash P \land Q \to Q \land P.

At the second line, we apply the rule ImpR to the goal. It transforms the goal into P∧Q⊒Q∧PP \land Q \vdash Q \land P.

At the third line, we apply the rule AndR to the goal. It splits the goal into two subgoals P∧Q⊒QP \land Q \vdash Q and P∧Q⊒PP \land Q \vdash P.

At the fourth line, we apply the rule AndL2 to the first subgoal. It transforms the subgoal into Q⊒QQ \vdash Q.

At the fifth line, the current goal is Q⊒QQ \vdash Q, so we can apply the rule I to conclude it.

Similarly, at the sixth and seventh lines, we make the goal P⊒PP \vdash P and mark it as completed.

Then, there are no subgoals left, so the proof is completed. By executing command qed, we declare that the theorem and_comm is proved!

This proof creates the proof tree

Q⊒Q(I)P∧Q⊒Q(AndL2)P⊒P(I)P∧Q⊒P(AndL1)P∧Q⊒Q∧P⊒P∧Qβ†’Q∧P(ImpR)(AndR)\dfrac{ \dfrac{\dfrac{}{Q \vdash Q} \mathrlap{\text{(I)}}}{P \land Q \vdash Q} \text{(AndL2)} \quad \dfrac{\dfrac{}{P \vdash P} \mathrlap{\text{(I)}}}{P \land Q \vdash P} \mathrlap{\text{(AndL1)}} }{\dfrac{ P \land Q \vdash Q \land P }{\vdash P \land Q \to Q \land P} \mathrlap{\text{(ImpR)}}} \text{(AndR)}

which shows β€œhow the initial goal is broken down into simpler sequents” or β€œhow the proof is constructed from primitive sequents”.


In Lapisla, every file consists of a sequence of commands. Each of them can be used in only one of declare mode or proof mode.

Declare Mode


Theorem name formula
Theorem eq_sym βˆ€x. βˆ€y. (eq(x, y) β†’ eq(y, x))

Declares a theorem name with the formula formula. Enter proof mode with the goal ⊒formula\vdash \text{formula}.


import "snapshot"
import "zer0-star/equality@6"

Imports theorems, axioms and constants from another file. Currently only importing from snapshots on Lapisla registry is supported. The format is username/repository@version.


axiom name: formula
axiom eq_refl: βˆ€x. eq(x, x)

Introduce a new axiom name with the formula formula. Axioms are like theorems, but instead of proving them, you assume them to be true. Be careful not to make system inconsistent!


constant name: type
constant eq: 'a β†’ 'a β†’ prop

Introduce a new constant name with the type type. With axioms, you can define some mathematical objects and its properties.

For example, you can define equality

constant eq: 'a β†’ 'a β†’ prop axiom eq_refl: βˆ€x. eq(x, x) axiom eq_subst: βˆ€x. βˆ€y. (eq(x, y) β†’ P(x) β†’ P(y))

and prove symmetry of equality like

import "abap34/eqdef@2" Theorem eq_sym βˆ€x. βˆ€y. (eq(x, y) β†’ eq(y, x)) apply ForallR x1 apply ForallR y1 apply ImpR use eq_subst { P(x) ↦ eq(x, x1) } apply ForallL x1 apply ForallL y1 apply ImpL apply PR 1 apply WR apply I apply ImpL apply WL apply PR 1 apply WR use eq_refl apply ForallL x1 apply I apply PL 1 apply WL apply I qed

Proof Mode


apply rule
apply ForallR x1

Applies rule to the current goal.

See Rule Syntax.


use theorem { P1(x1, y1, …) ↦ A1, P2(x2, y2, …) ↦ A2, … }
use forall_or { P(x) ↦ P(f(x)) ∨ Q, Q ↦ βˆ€x. P(x) }

Puts theorem applied with the given substitutions into the current goal. Note that all substitutions are applied simultaneously and not recursively, namely, if any of A1, A2, … contains some of P1, P2, …, they are not substituted.

A substitution P(x, y, …) ↦ A means that every occurrence of P(s, t, …) with free P in theorem is replaced by A[x := s, y := t, …].

For example, execute use forall_or { P(x) ↦ P(f(x)), Q ↦ A ∨ B } with forall_or: βˆ€x. (P(x) ∨ Q) β†’ βˆ€x. P(x) ∨ Q, you will get βˆ€x.(P(f(x)) ∨ (A ∨ B)) β†’ βˆ€x.P(f(x)) ∨ (A ∨ B).

Substitutions can be omitted if you don’t need to substitute anything. For example, use eq_refl is valid.



Check if there is no goals left and finish the proof. Enter declare mode.

Every theorem should end with qed.

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